Bug Reporter

Litters ready to whelp - but they aren't?

Status: Pending / Progress: 0%

Reported by: No Username (#20275)
I cant take a turn because it says Turn error, you have a litter that needs to be collected, but when I go to litters page, every single one of my litters has one month to go (a large load of worker litters).. I'm not sure whats going on
Bug Development Notes
No Username (#59520)
Im hacing the same problem, I cant take a turn bc it says I have a clutch ready but the clutch says one more turn till hatch
No Username (#2683)
I have a similar issue, except I can keep taking turns. But I've had 2 litters be "1 Month to go" for like 3 turns now.
No Username (#49102)
i have a female who is breed and i have took a turn 5 times and shes still 2 months pregnant and it wont change
No Username (#35502)
It's senile.......