Bug Reporter

Not letting me log in

Status: Pending / Progress: 0%

Reported by: No Username (#32198)
After I try to login it goes to DBG screen with the chat in the corner, nothing else.
Bug Development Notes
No Username (#45553)
+1 me too
No Username (#2683)
Same here
Hunterrr (#36139)
I also have this issue
No Username (#27360)
If I click anything like the links in the chat for example, I get a page that says this:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare dbInsert() (previously declared in /hotel/sites/dogbreedergame.com/db/db_functions.php:40) in /hotel/sites/dogbreedergame.com/db/db_functions.php on line 40
No Username (#27360)
I have the same issue.