Bug Reporter

Dog Breeder
Import Mongrels Pending 0%
Litters ready to whelp - but they aren't? Pending 0%
Not letting me go to the game after log in Pending 0%
Dog Leaderboard Pending 0%
Can't Edit My Tabs Pending 0%
Multiple Tab Names/Numbers Pending 0%
Missing Imports Pending 0%
Imports not working Pending 0%
Art Not Showing Up? Pending 0%
I have space, so why won't the game let me breed? Pending 0%
Unable to rename or test my dog Pending 0%
cant get messages Pending 0%
chat doesnt work Pending 0%
The navigation bar is not showing for me Pending 0%
The navigation bar is not showing for me Pending 0%
Broken log in Pending 0%
Not letting me log in Pending 0%
Not letting me play? Pending 0%
Not letting me play? Pending 0%
won't load game Pending 0%
Still can't get in... Pending 0%
Won't load game Pending 0%
Can log in but only getting the background screen Pending 0%
I clicked on another breeder's name in the chat and it shows me this error Pending 0%
game not working Pending 0%
Help??? Pending 0%
Can't change profile picture Pending 0%
Can't change profile picture Pending 0%
Won’t let me adopt any dogs Pending 0%
Can’t create tab in the kennel Pending 0%
Can't test puppy Pending 0%
I cant text on the chat? Its not working Pending 0%
wont let me type Pending 0%
Messages won't send Pending 0%
Can't test spondylosis or ocd Pending 0%
It won't work Pending 0%
my main account got banned because to many accounts have been made Pending 0%
Mass compare performance traits no showing acurate info Pending 0%
Register as breeder bugged out Pending 0%
chat Pending 0%
Import Setter confo bug Pending 0%
Energy Bar on dog won't refill Pending 0%
I bred my in-season bitch, and it's been over 2 turns, and she won't give birth Pending 0%
spamming nothing Pending 0%
Can't access the game Pending 0%
the servers crashing when i go into the chat Pending 0%
the servers crashing when i go into the chat Pending 0%
bichon frise coats Pending 0%
can't enter DBG Pending 0%
Select All button not working Pending 0%
Reptile Breeder
Den image missing? Pending 0%
Reptiles Didn't Age With Turn Pending 0%
Unable to log in. Pending 0%
Can't hatch eggs In Progress 0%
All but 5 reptiles disappear Pending 0%
I lost 30,000 dollars Pending 0%
Market Pending 0%
Merged my rack but now its broken Pending 0%
Unable to access advent calender Pending 0%
Reserving Reptiles Doesn't Work Pending 0%
I can claim all the snakes in a clutch Pending 0%
my female black pastel royal turns white when i move her to a diff tab Pending 0%
Hatch button not working Pending 0%
not really a bug but.. Pending 0%
Feeding 1500 per page (Mass Action) Pending 0%
Chat issues Pending 0%
Auction Glitched Red Eyed Tree Frogs Pending 0%
Duplicating Messages? Pending 0%
out of memory glitch Pending 0%
Rack is broken from merging Pending 0%
Unable to Turn Pending 0%
feeding Mantis Pending 0%
female doesn't show up in breeding Pending 0%
Snake stuck in sale Pending 0%
Snake stuck in sale Pending 0%
i got scammed Pending 0%
Can't Turn Pending 0%
Tokay gecko morph pictures missing Pending 0%
Cant chat Pending 0%
Mass action Feeding Pending 0%
Turns disappeared Pending 0%
I can't get in to my game and it won't show pages if I did I'm not a suspended account or banned because I didn't do anything wrong Pending 0%
Dog breeder game Pending 0%
Can't play Pending 0%
Can't take turn Pending 0%
Bought 6 tokens in reptile breeder and then used all of them to buy more space in my room. All of the tokens are gone but I didn't get the space I bought. Pending 0%
Mass Feed Pending 0%
Can't hatch my eggs for no reason Pending 0%
chat Pending 0%
Dart frog images Pending 0%
Project label/tag not working anymore Pending 0%
My store that I paid a subscription for. Pending 0%
My Clutch is ready to hatch, but not hatching? Pending 0%
Breeding Pending 0%
Reptile Market Pending 0%
Help Pending 0%
Import Setter confo bug Pending 0%
Bugged Rack Pending 0%
Eggs don't hatch Pending 0%
Extra Clutches Pending 0%
bug Pending 0%
i cant pass the time Pending 0%
Reptiles (Snakes) wont get clean Pending 0%
Reptiles (Snakes) wont get clean Pending 0%
Reptiles (Snakes) wont get clean Pending 0%
career Pending 0%
colour borders not working for multiple people Pending 0%
ERROR: This reptile doesn't belong to you. (id: 30413908) - both reptiles belong to me Pending 0%
AGAIN - ERROR: This reptile doesn't belong to you. (id: 30422761) Pending 0%
Another Error Message "ERROR: This reptile doesn't belong to you. (id: 30422773)" Pending 0%
Problem with taking turn Pending 0%
Chat bug Pending 0%
Chat bug Pending 0%
Marker Pending 0%
Can’t access the market Pending 0%
Laggy Pending 0%
Laggy Pending 0%